Depending on the contents of your shopping basket, the total weight of your shipment and the destination country, you will sometimes be offered DPD as a shipping service provider in addition to DHL. This happens automatically. DHL shipments to non-EU countries are now always sent with the more reliable but slightly more expensive DHL International Parcel.
We ship from Germany and deliver worldwide, as long as the address is deliverable for postal and parcel services. There must be no restrictions for the country or region. You can find currently possible delivery countries in the delivery country selector at the top right of our website next to the flags for the language selection. The product prices and shipping costs can only be displayed correctly when the correct delivery country has been selected.
The delivery address must be able to be found in Google Maps. The recipient's name must be on the doorbell, doorplate and letterbox. Additional costs for customs duties and taxes are borne by the customer (e.g. Switzerland, Norway, Lichtenstein).
Important: Please check the delivery address in the order confirmation email immediately! A fully written first and last name as well as a house number are mandatory. A second shipment caused by you would unfortunately be subject to a charge!