MMS drops buy, chlorine dioxide, CDSplus

Dear customer,

a lot of customers have written to us in the last few days and asked this question.

Here is our answer:

Our chlorine dioxide products M.M.S. CLASSIC and CDSplus can be used for mobile drinking water treatment e.g. use for caravan, yacht / boat, travel, hotel, outdoor and hiking. You can use it - in addition to drinking water - e.g. thoroughly clean surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom such as refrigerators, cutting boards, toothbrushes, drinking bottles, humidifiers, laundry but also meat, fruits and vegetables (e.g. against hepatitis A, MRSA, EHEC, anthrax, Escherichia coli). Animal lovers have a reliable means of disinfecting cages, stables, drinking water and also feeding places.

For a large number of pathogens, whether bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites or spores, there are hundreds of laboratory tests and evidence of the extraordinary effectiveness of the active ingredient chlorine dioxide. These were also stored in drug dossiers for approvals.

Investigations for dangerous pathogens of the highest security level cannot simply be ordered from the laboratory around the corner. These pathogens are only issued to very few highly secure laboratories and researched there. We have so far not found a meaningful European study on corona viruses and chlorine dioxide. But we found what we were looking for on the Internet in China.

-> click here for the study!

The study "Study on the resistance of severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus (2005)" states that even an aqueous chlorine dioxide solution with only 3ppm (parts per million) kills the corona viruses in vitro (i.e. in the laboratory) in all faeces and urine and blood samples safely.

After activation, our CDSplus has a concentration of around 3,000 ppm

If you mix 1 part of CDSplus and 9 parts of water, you get 300pm.

If you mix 1 part CDSplus and 99 parts water you get 30ppm.

If you mix 1 part CDSplus and 999 parts water you get 3ppm.

We would always overdose in case of doubt so work at 30ppm.

With our M.M.S. CLASSIC can achieve similarly strong concentrations. Here, however, there are major fluctuations in concentration due to the temperature, exposure time, etc.. So in case of doubt always overdose.

We cannot say with certainty whether this statement also applies to the current allegedly mutated and common pathogen. However, since chlorine dioxide works different than e.g. Antibiotics according to a very simple and robust principle of oxidation, mutations for this oxidation (combustion) may be of subordinate role.

Conclusion: Unfortunately we can only answer this question conditionally and only with probabilities and ask for your understanding.

We advise everyone to be vigilant on this issue, but do not panic. There have been increased hoarding purchases in our shop in the last few days. But we have sufficient stocks and see no delivery bottlenecks, so that such actions are not necessary.

We will inform you as soon as we have new information on this topic.

Your Aquarius pro life team
Your drinking water specialist

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