1. Is the lime completely filtered out?

NO! In the first mineral mix stage, our water filter changes the consistency of the lime using the commercially available ion exchange process. Thus, instead of large and stubborn lime deposits, only easily wiped off lime dust is formed. Unfortunately, our filter cannot do magic in areas with an extremely high lime content. The quantities are simply too large. Even special limescale filters use resin salts, which then have to be replaced several times a year in a complex and expensive process. These limescale filters also reduce the flow of water very strongly. Our drinking water filter is mainly used to clean the tap water from heavy metals, bacteria, viruses, microplastics, medication residues and unpleasant odours.


CONCLUSION: Our filter is not a special lime filter!

2. What is the electrical conductivity of the filtered water?

These and similar questions reach us again and again. It is assumed that an electrical TDS meter can make reliable statements about the quality of drinking water for about 25€. The TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) value indicates the sum of dissolved solids (e.g. minerals, salts, metals) in water. The unit commonly used is mg/l (milligram per litre) or PPM (Parts Per Million). The device displays the electrical resistance either directly in microsiemens (µS) or converts it into the PPM value (2 µS/cm = 1 ppm). Both values only say something about the number of dissolved solids in water that are conductive. The higher the conductivity of the water, the higher the measured value. This is not a chemical analysis of the water according to its exact ingredients. Therefore, these are purely quantitative measurements that say nothing about the quality of the water. Whether harmless sodium, calcium, magnesium or e.g. toxic arsenic, lead or uranium makes a difference for your body. Especially residues of hormones, pesticides and fungicides do not conduct electricity and cannot be measured by a conductivity meter! Crush a paracetamol tablet once and stir it into a glass of water. You will not measure any difference, even though the water is now extremely contaminated with drug residues. On the other hand, just a small pinch of table salt in a glass of water will sound the alarm wrongly.


Dubious sales statements

Suppliers of osmosis plants often use a TDS meter to convince prospective customers that their own tap water makes them ill. It is claimed that the device measures the pollutants in the water. Only water with a very low value below 100 µS is said to be beneficial to health. The digital measured value is therefore a guide value for the quality of the water. However, the measured value only indicates how conductive the water is. Only osmosis water has a low conductivity value. This is solely due to the fact that osmosis water contains no or very few minerals and is therefore no longer conductive. In the meantime, some manufacturers of osmosis systems have recognised that "empty" water tastes unpleasant and is not beneficial to health. Therefore, most of them have now built in a remineralisation stage. But if this would work, the conductivity would be as high as before.


Minerals are important flavour carriers

Minerals belong in natural spring water and form its character. They give the water its typical regional flavour. Whether a water contains many or few minerals depends exclusively on the region and is not a sign of its quality. There are waters full of character and lighter waters.


What does the German Drinking Water Ordinance say about the conductivity value?

In the worldwide very strict German Drinking Water Ordinance (TrinkwV), the electrical conductance is only mentioned in connection with the corrosion of the pipes. If the mineral content is too high, a current can flow between noble and base metals in the pipes and cause them to rust.


What does the WHO say about the guide value?

Statements that water with high TDS levels is unhealthy are not confirmed by the WHO. In the WHO guidelines (WHO/SDE/WSH/03.04/16, Total dissolved solids in Drinking-water, Background document for development of WHO Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality) it is summarised that there are no reliable studies that confirm the relationship between the TDS value and the health effects of water. Water with too low a TDS value is often described as having an unpleasant taste and is just as problematic as water with a value above 2,000 µS.


CONCLUSION: The TDS conductance in PPM or Mikrosiemens µs can NOT make a statement about whether a water is healthy or not! For this reason we do not give any information on the conductance.

3. What is the pH value of the filtered water?

The pH value indicates the concentration of free hydrogen ions in an aqueous solution. The measuring scale of the pH-value ranges from 1 to 14, whereby all values below 7 are always more acidic and all values above 7 are always more basic. The value 7 is considered neutral. Drinking water normally has a neutral (7) to slightly alkaline pH value (8.5). The German Drinking Water Ordinance stipulates a pH value between 6.5 and 9.5 as a guideline value.


Influence of the pH-value on the human body

Our body needs a precisely balanced interplay of acids and bases to effectively control all metabolic processes. Unfortunately, modern nutrition is very pH-sour. The pH-value of cola, for example, is 2-3. The idea of drinking alkaline water probably originally came from Japan/Korea. Kangan water was invented there and used to treat diseases. Nevertheless, this should be seen as a temporary therapeutic and not as everyday drinking water. It should also only be drunk at certain times. Alkaline water at main meals would neutralize the stomach acid which is important for our immune system. This would considerably weaken our digestion. There are therefore better ways to deacidify, e.g. through breathing techniques, alkaline baths and the right diet. Some well-known healing springs may have slightly alkaline water, but life with all its diversity has successfully spread not only around these healing springs, but everywhere. It is a fact that nature does not have such extremes with its drinking springs, but water near the neutral pH value is often found in nature. This is what humans, animals and plants have been getting along with for centuries. Therefore this is probably the solution for everyday needs.


CONCLUSION: Our filter does NOT change the pH value of the filtered water!

4. What is the mineral content of the filtered water?

This topic always comes up in comparison with reverse osmosis systems. Reverse osmosis is a physical process from space travel for the production of chemically purest H2O. Here, pressure is used to reverse the natural osmosis process. Technically purest H20 is not the same as good drinking water! This process and also the chemically purest H20 produced from it do not occur in nature in this way. The purest H2O is rather pH-acidic and reacts chemically very aggressively. In nature, water evaporates over the sea, lakes and rivers. When it cools down and condenses again, it falls to earth as rain or dew. This water would still be quite low in minerals. But most people, animals and plants do not quench their thirst directly from rainwater.


However, as soon as water reaches the earth again, enters the groundwater and, in some cases, flows out of a spring again after many years, it has again become significantly enriched with minerals such as calcium, magnesium and sodium. This water is now more pH-neutral and no longer chemically aggressive. It is therefore biocompatible for us. Many reverse osmosis systems remove almost all of these good minerals. The drastic reduction of the above-mentioned electrical conductance is mostly due to this very fact. Then it was discovered that such strongly demineralised water is not so good for most people. Many alternative practitioners, but also sensitive people actually talk about "dead water" and "empty water" after such a procedure. This is why modern reverse osmosis systems now have a so-called remineralisation stage at the end of the purification chain. But if this would actually work, one would have almost the same conductivity values as before filtering. Remineralisation usually does not work.


CONCLUSION: Our filter does NOT change the mineral content of the filtered water!

5. What is the structure of the filtered water?

According to the latest alternative findings, the structure of the water is more important for living organisms than the conductance, pH value or minerals. With our filter, the water must flow very quickly through the ultra-fine carbon block. This leads to many micro turbulences, just like in nature. This seems to vitalise and energise the water and erase old information. These properties have been independently confirmed to us by various alternative working authorities.

6. Can the filter also be installed horizontally?

In most cases the supplied hoses (2x50cm) are long enough. This allows the filter to stand upright after installation in the cold water line. We recommend that you place the filter upright at least for the first 8-10 minutes of the rinse cycle. This allows unevenly distributed mineral mix from the first filter stage to be distributed more evenly around the carbon block. Afterwards, the filter can also be permanently installed in a horizontal position.

7. Can the filter be connected to low pressure lines?

Unfortunately no! Our MMS-Water-Filter needs the usual house water pressure of 3-4 bar to work properly.

8. Can the filter be connected to the hot water supply?

No! Our MMS-Water-Filter is only designed for connection to cold water.

9. Can the filter be connected before the domestic supply?

Unfortunately no! Our MMS-Water-Filter is designed to be connected directly to the end of a cold water supply point. This is usually under the kitchen sink. Filters for the entire household supply are many times larger and more expensive than our filter.

10. Can the filter be connected to a private well?

Unfortunately no! Our MMS-Water-Filter is designed to be connected to a municipal water supply. On the one hand, a private well can have considerable amounts of suspended particles, which our 0.1 micron fine third filter stage would set very quickly. On the other hand, many private wells today have extremely high levels of contamination with nitrate, artificial fertilisers and pesticides. Unfortunately, more complex and expensive methods of drinking water treatment are necessary here.


CONCLUSION: We do not give any guarantee for the function and service life when operating at private wells!

11. We have other connections in our country! What now?

How can I still connect the filter? In DIY stores there are e.g. adapters from 3/8" to 1/2". With these adapters our MMS-Water-Filter can be connected and operated safely in your country.

12. Why is my filter clogged after only a few months?

Is my filter defective if the flow rate has been reduced significantly in a few months? Our MMS-Water-Filter has one of the finest pore sizes of 0.1 micron on the market. If the filter gets clogged very quickly, you will have an extraordinary amount of suspended particles in your water supply. This can happen once, for example, due to a large construction site in your street. Or this situation is permanent for you (e.g. old pipes in your street and house). In these cases it is often useful to have a standard 5-micron pre-filter placed in front of the entire house supply. Ask your local plumber about this. Our MMS-Water-Filter worked normally in this case and protected you from this dirt. The replacement cartridge must be replaced prematurely in these cases.

13. I am going on holiday for 4 weeks. Will this damage my filter?

No, you can enjoy your holiday! Our MMS-Water-Filter uses several germ stop techniques, so that even a break of 1-2 months can be bridged safely. Nevertheless, we would let the stagnant water flow out for 5-10 minutes after a longer break during the first use.

14. Why do I have a metallic taste after assembly?

Our filter does not contain any substances that can cause a metallic taste. Mostly, however, deposits such as rust and lime in the water pipe and tap are loosened during initial installation or when changing the cartridge. This can lead to a metallic taste. In this case, please unscrew the aerator at the tap and rinse for 5 minutes. Then screw a new aerator into the water tap.

15. Taste of drinking water

By the way, the human body knows very well by taste what is good for it and what is not. Spoiled food is very quickly recognised and rejected by its taste and smell. What is good for us, on the other hand, usually tastes particularly delicious. With our filter, you will want to drink the next glass right away. Our filtered water regularly receives top marks for its pure and fresh taste. Please also read the honest Trusted Shops experience reports of our satisfied customers on the product page. Without much advertising, our filter has quickly developed from a secret tip to a bestseller.

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